Many of us have lists of things we would love to accomplish in life. We like to bring them up in conversations, mull them over in our heads and dream up all kinds of ways of how we might possibly achieve them. Oh… You don’t? Well, I know I do! 😆

Recently, a post by a friendly fellow human (hi there, Dimi 👋) caught my attention. Titled innocuously enough – Velleity – it ended up opening up a fountainhead of self-inquiry into the importance of identifying our goals clearly, while setting the rest aside as va… ve… (Whatchamacallit again? 🤔 For the life of me, can’t ever remember that word! Can we just call them “wishes”? 🤓)… so yes, while setting the rest aside as wishes.

How do you define a goal? It’s something you can:

  • Commit to
  • Invest time & energy into
  • Easily measure as completed


  • Learn to play one song on a piano
  • For 1 month, move your body daily for a minimum of 10,000 steps
  • Spend 1 week in the Amazon jungle

Simple enough? 🤓 Here is some homework for you then! 😆

  • Look at your calendar and book a 1-hour date with yourself (make sure to bring something yummy to enjoy!)
  • Write down all the things that you would like to accomplish between now and your departure from this wondrous earthly plane, whenever you think that might be 👼
  • Go through the list and pick 3 things that satisfy the goal requirements ☝️

Done? Stellar! Now what? 🤔

Keep the wish list for future reference, here is the most important part.

For the next 30 days:

  • Set aside 30 minutes a day
  • Take a step, no matter how small, for each of your 3 goals
  • Let me know where it gets you 😎

Oh, I can see your future self grinning, all the way from here! 😍 Now, go!